• Comparison of 3-D Raytracing and Finite Frequency Tomography yang ditulis oleh S. K. Suhardja, H. L. Gaol, A. Abdullah, A. D. Nugraha, Z. Zulfakriza
  • Estimation of Rupture Duration and Mwp Values to Identify Tsunami-Generating Earthquakes in Northern Sulawesi yang ditulis oleh M.F.H. Hiola dan A. Nasrurroh
  • Analysis of the Donggala-Palu Tsunami Characteristics based on Rupture Duration (Tdur) and Active Fault Orientation using the HC-plot Method yang ditulis oleh Ramadhan Priadi, Angga Wijaya, Maria Annaluna Pasaribu, dan Riska Yulinda
  • Elastic Properties Modeling for Identification of Prospective Reservoir Zones in the Carbonate Reservoir, MRD Field, in the North East Java Basin yang ditulis oleh Mordekhai dan Sonny Winardhi
  • Implementation of Filter Picker Algorithm for Identification of the 2018 Aftershock Lombok Earthquake yang ditulis oleh Ardianto, Y. M. Husni, A. D. Nugraha, M. Muzli, Z. Zulfakriza, H. Afif, D. P. Sahara, S. Widiyantoro, A. Priyono, N. T. Puspito, P. Supendi, A. Riyanto, S. Wei, B. S. Prabowo
Published: 2019-08-30
