Welcome to the online submission and editorial system for the Jurnal Geofisika. Jurnal Geofisika [e-ISSN : 2477-6084] is a scientific journal published by Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indonesia (HAGI). This journal is referenced, each paper was assessed and evaluated by editors and reviewers who are experts in the relevant fields and come from education institutions and industry, both from within and outside the country. The published article covers all science and technology including Geophysics, Meteorology, Oceanography, Geology and Geodesy.

Important Announcement

Jurnal Geofisika is moving to an enhanced online submission and peer review system named Open Journal System (OJS). From Tuesday, March 7, 2017 NEW submissions must be uploaded to our new online system, OJS.

To submit a NEW paper, please register/log in and follow the instructions to register and submit your paper there. Please contact support with any queries.

This journal is concerned with original research, new developments, site measurements and case studies in pure and applied geophysics. It provides a national and international forum for the publication of high quality papers on the subject of geophysics and the application of geophysics principles and techniques at various scales from laboratory, reservoir to regional and global scale. These projects include geophysics, meteorology, oceanography, geology and geodesy. Papers are welcomed on all relevant topics and especially on theoretical developments, analytical methods, numerical methods, rock testing, site investigation, design, back analysis, and case studies.

Current Issue

Vol 22 No 2 (2024): Jurnal Geofisika
  • Analisis Perubahan Coulomb Stress Gempa Bumi Cianjur 21 November 2022, oleh Faradilla Firdani Harefa, Lailatul Husna Lubis, dan Ratni Sirait
  • Analisis Potensi Likuifaksi di Kecamatan Balige Berdasarkan Global Geospatial Model (GGM), oleh Diki Prabowo, Lailatul Husna Lubis, Abdul Halim Daulay, dan Sugeng
  • Identifikasi Struktur Bawah Permukaan Sesar Besar Sumatera Segmen Dikit Berdasarkan Analisis First Horizontal Derivative (FHD), Second Vertical Derivative (SVD), dan Forward Modelling 2D Data Anomali Gaya Berat, oleh Shelya Trya Rinanda
  • Investigasi Karakteristik Bawah Permukaan di Sekitar Sumber Gempa Sumedang 31 Desember 2023 Menggunakan Parameter Vs 30 dan Kurva HVSR Guna Pemetaan Daerah Rawan Potensi Gempa, oleh Izal Syafarudin, M. Khairilazhar Raihan, Fina Zahara, Siti Hakikiah Nur Azmi, Collin Sheima Budin, Zulfakriza
  • Identifikasi Struktur Bawah Permukaan berdasarkan Data Anomali Gaya Berat Citra Satelit di Desa Pematang Buluh Tanjung Jabung Barat, oleh Identifikasi Struktur Bawah Permukaan berdasarkan Data Anomali Gaya Berat Citra Satelit di Desa Pematang Buluh Tanjung Jabung Barat
Published: 2024-12-16
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